Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb
hello bloggers Indonesia and abroad , on this occasion I will share experiences on Cancer Antidote Apple let's discuss together !
If you want to avoid viruses cancer and healthy lungs , the diligent eating apples . You need to know , apples contain nutrients such as minerals potassium , sodium , energy and vitamin C , as well nirgizi substances ( substances other than nutrients ) or phytochemical substances .
Nutrition is able to help protect the lungs from air pollution and the threat of cigarette smoke , and have a healthy effect as an antioxidant . Antioxidants are substances deterrent oxygen combine with other substances that can damage the body's cells , and has anti- cancer activity , ie acid elagat , kafeat acid , chlorogenic acid , and glutathione ( glutathione ) .
We recommend that you eat fresh apples ( apples are hard and free of wrinkles , spots soft or bruised ) without being processed . Keep dikulkas that the fruit stays fresh for two weeks or more , berganting on the variety.
Enough so that I can post this time about Cancer -Fighting Apples , if there is one word please be advised .
Hopefully Helpful and .........
Wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb
Trims atas tipsnya.
BalasHapussama" sob
Hapusthanks sudah berkunjung
wah ternyata apel itu bisa nangkal kanker ya. baru tau ane
BalasHapusya begitulah gan, ditempat ane sih udah terbukti gan
Hapuswah mantap gan infonya :D ane baru tau kalau apel penangkal kanker, thanks yah infonya :D
BalasHapusya begitulah gan
Hapussama" sob, thNKS sudah berkunjung
ya pastilah gan
BalasHapusyang banyak khasiatnya gan dari kulitnya...
ternyata apel bisa menangkal kanker, saya harus rajin makan apel nih
BalasHapusmakasih tipsnya gan
itu yang saya harapin gan, silahkan !
HapusBener Tuh Gan :D , Jadi Harus Sering-Sering Makan Apel Nih :D
BalasHapusWahh ... baru tau sy gan ... thnks info,y
BalasHapusWah makasih atas infonya sangat bermanfaat nih :)
BalasHapusHahhaha tips yang mantap gan
BalasHapusnyesel banget dulu banyak apel di rumah, tapi ga pernah di makan...
BalasHapusThanks Gan Info Nya :)
BalasHapusbuat tambahan aja, kalau apel itu gak cuman mengobati kanker. Tapi juga dapat mencegah penyakit lain.
BalasHapusane baru tau gan
BalasHapusthanks infonya bro
bermanfaat bgt
Apple prevent cancer?
BalasHapusHm.. One of apple useful information.
Nice post :) keep posting.
dari dulu saya suka apel, selain sbg penangkal kanker juga enak dimakan :D
BalasHapuswah.. harus beli apel nih... :D
BalasHapus#biar sehat..