Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb
BeberaHalo the pesinta or blogspot users happy , khususon in Indonesia and in foreign countries , on this occasion I will share the knowledge ya , because I rarely ya for sharing science . wkwkwkwwk .....
I will post this time is about the Keres Some Fruit Efficacy labeled article ! curious about it , let's discuss together ..... ! ! ! !
As we know from my previous post about the tree that contains the tree multifunctional Keres , Keres tree is a tree which means artist , who does not know this tree , and the more exotic again , hear-hear me fruit from the tree area Keres has several efficacy , is it true .........
when the tree is not very often we encounter ?
What saa approximately Usefulness ......... ?
Here are some of the few Efficacy Fruit Keres !
= > My area , the fruit is believed to cure or reduce or prevent diabetes , Wonder open , that's the uniqueness ...
= > Efficacy who keduaa is very proven and sayapun 've never experienced that save spending money for snacks, kids, why ? because most kids love this fruit , in addition to yag sweet taste , the fruit is also easy to find and can be learned at a price of $ 0 or free , hehehe ....
so the children pocket money will be reduced because the kids are already full after eating this fruit ,
wkwkwkwk / , , , , ,
The efficacy of the latter is soothing or making scenery around us shade tree because it can grow anywhere he wants , though dibabatuan though .
Enough so that I can write in this article titled Some Efficacy Fruit Keres were labeled Article
Note : For those of you who know more to know about Keres Some Efficacy Fruit , you can comment below .
Also read another article hitched Efficacy Fruit Keres / cherry Daftar Isi
Hopefully useful and ......
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb
Upld gmbrny dong..
BalasHapusbiar tau bentuknya...
hehe.. baru denger ni buah..
salam kenal
iya maaf gan, tapi sekarang udah ane kasih gambarnya gan
Hapusbisa lihat diatas
Buah Keres itu buah yang bagaimana gan bentuknya?
maaf gan, tapi sekarang udah ane kasih gambarnya tuh diatas
Hapusowh ternyata buat keres bnyk khasiatnya ya :D nice posting gan :D
BalasHapusiya begitu gan
HapusOwh ternyata buah keres bnyk khasiatnya ya :D
BalasHapusya, begitulah gan
Hapusowh ternyata buat keres bnyk manfaatnya ya :D
BalasHapusyaaa begitulah
Hapusmantap artikel kamu
laksanakan bro
HapusSangat Bermanfaat mas bro !
BalasHapusthanks sob
Hapuswah kita bisa makin tahu kasiat buah itu yah :)
Hapusane baru tahu juga g an
Wah sangat bermanfaat kita bisa mengetahui dampak positif dari buah tersebut makasih mas :)
BalasHapussama-sama sob
Hapusthanks atas kunjungannya
Mantap gan, :D
BalasHapusthanks bro
Hapuswah infonya bermanfaat sob ?
BalasHapusjadi ini yak khasiatnya baru tau ane
ane juga gan
HapusBuah keres itu bagaimana gan? Terima kasih ya atas infonya
BalasHapustuh ada picturenya gan
Hapuspanggilannya keres / kersen
semua buah ada khasiat nya masing ya nice info nya
BalasHapusinsya allah ada
Hapuskarena allah menciptakan semuanya pasti ada tjuannya dan manfaatnya
baru dengertu, dimana bisa dapet buah itu??
BalasHapussalam kenal,
gratisan gan
Hapusbiasanya di pinggir-pinggir jalan gan atau di sebut buah kersen
Makasih Gan Info Nya :D
BalasHapussama-sama gan
Hapussangat bermanfaat mas thanks :)
BalasHapussama-sama sob
HapusBaru denger malah buah keres..thanks buat ilmunya gan..
BalasHapussama-sama gan, terimakasih sudah berkunjung
Hapusbuahnya yang kayak gimana sihh..
BalasHapusitu ada picturenya gan. biasanya panggilaannya keres / kersen
Hapusbtw ada pictnya gk gan, soalnya ane belum pernah dengar buah keres ?
BalasHapustuh, baru ane kasih gan
Hapussebutannya buah keres / kersen gan biasanya
ada picturenya gan diatas
BalasHapusane baru tau gan
BalasHapusthanks infonya bro
bermanfaat bgt
sama-sama gan
Hapusklo di daerah gw namanya buah klasem :v :v //
BalasHapusvisit y gk :D
Hapusaneh-aneh memang julukan buah ini
thanks infonya juga mas gan