Causes of Hearing Loss

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For the estimated millions Australians with hearing loss, life is very pathetic. Frustrated family members and friends often feel tired of shouting and just give up communicating making the world for these people an even lonelier place to live in. Although it is the hearing aids that help restore several kinds of sounds for hearing impaired, a very few people actually utilize them. One out of five Australians who may benefit from this electronic device wears one.

Most of the people do not wear these electronic devices because of their cost while some even avoid wearing them because they feel embarrassed to be spot out with them. These people don't realize the fact that these devices are quite cheap these days and that there are even several styles, which are simply impossible to be spotted out.

In this article, I am going to discuss about how you wear and what causes hearing loss.
When you listen to something like a dog barking or a car alarm, sound travels via opening of the outer ear and causes vibration in the eardrum. Three little bones in the mid-ear carry the vibration to cochlea, which is the shell like shaped structure in the inner ear. Vibration stimulates the hair cells creating electric current in auditory nerve. The current transmits sound through nerve impulses to the brain where it's processed into noise such as barking of the dog or that of sound of car alarm.

Hearing loss is caused by either of the two ways: conductive hearing loss or sensorineural hearing loss. The first one takes place when sound does not move as it should do through eardrum, three bones of inner ear or ear canal. It may even be caused by punctured eardrum, earwax, genetic defect, and fluid in ear or an infection. The consequence is the sensation as through the ears are plugged. This kind of impairment can only be treated by surgery.

The latter one basically involves damage to cochlea. It is the most common type. About 90% people having hearing loss problems are affected with this. It is basically a byproduct of aging and can occur because of genes, infections, fluid buildup, and exposure to the loud noises or head trauma in inner ear. This is the kind of problem where hearing aids can be of great help. But before buying any of these electronic sophisticated devices, make sure you consult someone who can offer you with the best advice regarding the device that would suit you best for your problem. For example, if you are living in Balwyn, you can get in touch with Ace Audiology, one of the most popular hearing aid specialists in Balwyn.

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