Setting Indosat GPRS for Mobile Operators

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Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb
Hello blogger lovers , on this occasion Admin will share knowledge of ICT , entitled " Accessing the Internet through GPRS On Mobile " , let's discuss together ......
Internet connection can be done by utilizing the GPRS facility on the phone . you should do some settings , the easiest way is via OTA ( Over The Air ) .
Here's How the GPRS settings for several mobile phone operators
GPRS settings for mobile operator Indosat

a. OTA Settings
GPRS = > Type : GPRS merk_HP Type_HP
Example : gprs nokia n70
send to 3000
Broadband = > Type : 3G merk_HP Type_HP
Example : 3G nokia n70
send to 3000
b . manual Setting
GPRS = > APN : indosatgprs
User : indosat
Pass : indosat
Proxy :
Port : 8080
Homepage :
Broadband = > APN : indosat3g
User : indosat
Proxy :
Port : 8080
Homepage :

Quite A few of my tutorial DAVID Bisri , about GPRS settings for mobile operator Indosat , if there is one among you who are still confused about this tutorial , please ask or can directly contact me at the menu conatct U.S. .

Other Articles Also Read Here .

Hopefully Helpful and ....

Wassalamu'alaiku Wr.Wb

10 komentar:

  1. knalan dong bwt langganan boleh gak sob? :)

    1. Sangat diperbolehkan bro
      Muhammad Bisri Mustofa

  2. sebelumnya saya bingung setting gprs nya, terima kasih mas, sukses selalu

  3. wah mantap gan, izin coba ya gan bermanfaat (y)

  4. izin coba gan, internet nya lemot banget :)

  5. bisa gak gan yang smartfren ?

  6. Oka> ane belum tau tuh gan
    kalau sdah tau, ajari ane juga gan
