history of the Internet

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Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb

sejarah internet
Hello Bloggers are already a member khususon me , on this occasion Admin will share Studies on the History of the Internet , Excited want to know .............Let us consider Bereng - together ! ! !history of the Internet

History of the Internet's development begins with the formation of the first computer network in the United States by the Institute yangdiprakarsai called the Advanced Research Projects Agency ( ARPANET ) which at that time connect four computers , each of which is located in Stanford Reseach Institute ( SRI ) , University of California of Los on Angles ( UCLA ) , University of Utah Charley Kline , and the University of California Santa Barbara ( UCSB ) . At that time , users are still around 50 kbps bandwidth owned by ATT (American Telephone and Telegraph ) . Then in 1983 , with the invention of the TCP / IP Internet start the technical term . Originally only used the internet for academic and military interests in the United States alone . However seriing with the development time , starting in the 1990s the Internet began to be used widely among the general public .

In 1995, the start known technology of the World Wide Web which is commonly called Webatau serves to replace FTP , namely technology to make the process of data exchange . With this technology , the Internet can provide information in the form of multimedia . Nowadays the Internet can even be used over the phone and mobile communication devices such as mobile phones or the PDA using WAP technology .

According to the Internet site www.internetworldstats.com , until the middle of 2008 Internet users has reached 1,463,632,361 human soul or about 21.9 % of the total population in the world .Enough of my article on the History of the Internet , if there is one word to convey the admin or writing , please understandable because the admin and you both learn , ..Hopefully useful and .........Wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb

1 komentar:

  1. wew,, Internet already existed be4 I was born, I didnt expect it -___-
