Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb
Hello blogger lovers especially the members of this blog , on this occasion for the Admin will share about Unique Facts Finger Ring Sweet Marriage , after I read and read an article , funny
article . , .
can not wait want to know .......
directly , we see together below ! ! !
Unique Facts Finger Ring Sweet Marriage
Okay then, to prove yourself you have to practice ......
first !
bend your middle finger as the picture :
second !
arrange a meeting each other the finger tip
it's okay then! !
Practicum time ...
First open your little finger , which represents the children . Sooner or later our children will definitely be leaving us .
Both open your thumb , the thumb represent parents , the thumb can be opened because all human pain and death . Thus our parents will leave us one day .
Third open your second finger , the finger represent brothers and sisters , they have their own families , so that they too will leave us .
Fourth , open your fourth finger where you put your wedding ring , you will terkerjut because the finger can not be opened . Because it represent husband and wife , as long as you live and your spouse will continue to cling to one another .And Hopefully Only Lasting No. DIVORCE
Not unique , artikal Enough from me titled " Sweet Unique Facts Finger Rings of Marriage " , do not forget to leave a comment ! !
In closing .........
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr.WbHello blogger lovers especially the members of this blog , on this occasion for the Admin will share about Unique Facts Finger Ring Sweet Marriage , after I read and read an article , funny
article . , .
can not wait want to know .......
directly , we see together below ! ! !
Unique Facts Finger Ring Sweet Marriage
Okay then, to prove yourself you have to practice ......
first !
bend your middle finger as the picture :
second !
arrange a meeting each other the finger tip
it's okay then! !
Practicum time ...
First open your little finger , which represents the children . Sooner or later our children will definitely be leaving us .
Both open your thumb , the thumb represent parents , the thumb can be opened because all human pain and death . Thus our parents will leave us one day .
Third open your second finger , the finger represent brothers and sisters , they have their own families , so that they too will leave us .
Fourth , open your fourth finger where you put your wedding ring , you will terkerjut because the finger can not be opened . Because it represent husband and wife , as long as you live and your spouse will continue to cling to one another .And Hopefully Only Lasting No. DIVORCE
Not unique , artikal Enough from me titled " Sweet Unique Facts Finger Rings of Marriage " , do not forget to leave a comment ! !
In closing .........
Keren gan, saya mencobanya tadi.
BalasHapusMungkin alasan mengapa cincin nikah sering dipakai di jari manis, dari praktek diatas.
So sweet gan :)
itu yang saya maksud gan
HapusKeren Faktanya
BalasHapusUpdate terus yah
siap bro
HapusKeren bngt nih faktanya, thanks ya atas informasinya :D
BalasHapusThanks infonya gan, keren gann Nice Postingan :D
BalasHapusDitunggu kunbalnya sma followback blog saya ya,
laksanakan gan
Hapuswah faktanya keren nih gan (y)
BalasHapusKereen gan :D .. baru tau ane :D
BalasHapusthanks gan atas pengetahuannya
BalasHapussama2 sob
Hapushahaha baru tau ane gan :D
BalasHapusane juga baru baca2 buku gan
Hapusbaru ngerti gan ternyata ada fakta semacam itu, thanks udah berbagi ilmu
BalasHapushahaha, ane juga baru baca2 buku tuh gan
makasih gan
BalasHapusoh gitu,.
BalasHapusthanks gan info nya
Keren gan.(y)
BalasHapusSemoga sukses mas bro :D