Fragrance oil for toothache

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Assalamu wr.wb

hello bloggers Indonesia and abroad, on this occasion I will share the experience of the fragrance oil for toothache let's discuss together!

Anyone would know that makes everything feel toothache became uncomfortable and irritating. You have ever experienced a toothache knows for sure how the torment of pain on this one. To overcome this damaging disease, you are biased using a practical way, namely by wearing perfume.

The trick, take the cotton to taste, and then used as drops of scented oil, cotton insert it into dalamgigi sick. This way will be much reduced toothache. Repeat this several times if the tooth still hurt. Inshallah missing!

Enough so that I can post this time regarding perfume for toothache, if there is one word please be advised.

Hopefully Helpful and .........

Wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb

9 komentar:

  1. Wih Ternyata Ada Juga Minyak Wangi Untuk Sakit Gigi
    Keren Tuh Minyakk Wangi :D

  2. Info yang sangat bermanfaat gan.....nice

  3. Emang bisa mas minyak wangi untuk sakit gigi :D

  4. wah boleh juga nig gan ane coba kalau gigi ane lagi rewel gan. nice post (y)

  5. ane baru tau gan
    thanks infonya bro
    bermanfaat bgt

  6. thx informasinya bro.. jadi gitu ,

  7. Nice Post brother ..

    Wow, its very interesting post my friend ...
    If there is time, I will visit again

  8. keren banget dah infonya, baru tau ane, makasih dah Share
